DELUYA STORAGE provides services for receiving, storing and dispensing petroleum products at its own oil depots located in Kazakhstan, Nethernands, Houston & Europe, Trieste and Houston. Oil depots are intended for storage of light oil products. The tank farm’s tank farm consists of 150 tanks with a total capacity of 3,960,423 m3.

By entrusting the storage of petroleum products to our Trading House, you receive:

  • a wide range of individual fuel storage tanks,
  • Absence of mixing of different types of oil products due to fuel supply through separate pipelines,
  • preserving the quality of your products,
  • convenient equipped entrance for motor transport,
  • operational release of oil products,
  • favorable terms of cooperation.

To accept petroleum products for storage it is necessary to conclude a storage contract. With the terms of the contract of storage you can find below in the section of the standard contracts

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Mazut is considered one of the most popular fuel materials, so storing

Preserving the quality of your products

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